Here’s how Sigma Nu impacted my life 

Sigma Nu  is the place where we had a lot of firsts. It’s the place where we first ventured out of our hometowns, the first place we bonded to on campus, and the place where we first learned how to be real men. Read on to see what your brothers said on how Sigma Nu impacted their lives.  

“Many of my longest lasting friendships came from my fraternity experience.” – Henry Stewart ‘64

Sigma Nu helped Lewis to learn “how to do things with others of different backgrounds.” – Allan Lewis ’80

“During my time at Sigma Nu, the house was largely self-sufficient. We employed a full-time cook and served three meals a day, five days a week. We also employed a full-time house attendant who cleaned and maintained the common areas. We purchased our groceries, paid our bills and worked diligently repairing, maintaining and improving the house. Participation in all of this taught me responsibility, the importance of planning, fiscal responsibility, and gave me self-confidence. I also learned the importance of cooperation and compromise. It helped me grow up… It’s all about the people you meet and the lifelong friends you make… Sigma Nu was a melting pot of personalities and an important part of my college education. I wish that for future generations.” – Richard Sica ‘66

“The wide variety of individuals and experiences certainly were important to me. The game changer was meeting my future wife at a house function my first week of grad school. Overall, I can’t imagine college life without fraternities.” – Mitch Zimmer ‘76